Merry Christmas!! LTR: Manu, Margarita, Holger, Giacomo, Helge, Sarah, Kartikeyan and Katya. Missing: Marc, Fabian, Samia & Dagmar

Not in the Picture: Dagmar and Margarita. Back, LTR: Samia, Katya, Tina, Feng, Marc, Holger, Helge & Fabian. Front, LTR: Sarah, Manuela & Giacomo

LTR: Agatha, Oliver, Karin, Cat, Marc, Prachi, Giacomo, Boris, Juri & Fabian

Merry Christmas!! LTR: Manu, Margarita, Holger, Giacomo, Helge, Sarah, Kartikeyan and Katya. Missing: Marc, Fabian, Samia & Dagmar
Prof. Dr. Marc Bramkamp
Chair of Microbial Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Research topics & projects
Spatial-temporal organization of bacterial cells
Function of bacterial cytoskeletal elements & dynamines
Compartmentalization of the plasma membrane
Cell walls and the influence of antibiotics on Gram-positive bacteria
Chromosome organization and DNA segregation
Education & positions
since 2019 Professor (W3) for Microbial Biochemistry and Cell Biology at the CAU Kiel, Chair of Microbial Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Director Institute of General Microbiology, Head of
the Central Microscopy facility at the Department of Biology
2012 - 2019 Professor (W2) for Microbiology at the LMU München
2006 - 2012 Group leader (Bacterial Cell Biology Laboratory) at the University of Cologne, Institute for Biochemistry and
member of the SFB 635
2003 - 2006 Postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Osnabrück &
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology at Oxford University
1999 - 2003 PhD in Microbiology at the University of Osnabrück
Teaching interests
Lecture and practical course in microbiology for medical and biology students, supervision of practical courses for graduated students in current research projects. Supervision of Bachelor, Master and PhD students.

+49 (0)431 880 4341
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